Swiss International Music Academy (SIMA) 2025
Masterclass with Philip A. Draganov during the 15th Swiss International Music Academy (SIMA) at Musikinsel Rheinau, Switzerland
Only 10 places - APPLY NOW
Masterclass with Philip A. Draganov during the 15th Swiss International Music Academy (SIMA) at Musikinsel Rheinau, Switzerland
Only 10 places - APPLY NOW
Philip A. Draganov is invited to give a masterclass at the China Conservatory of Music, one of China’s leading conservatories
YOUTH CLASSICS Swiss International Music Academy:
Public and in-house Concerts with participants
Chamber music
Sound adjustments
Special prizes
Final concert with orchestra for selected participants
Registration open! Apply at: www.youth-classics.org
Download brochure here
Violin masterclass with Prof. Philip A. Draganov at the Landesmusikakademie Ochsenhausen
Application open only to students of the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music
For more information please visit: https://www.jvlma.lv/en